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“He was not greedy as the newspapers hinted and he wasn’t mixed up in anything shady, in fact, if he had been dishonest he might still be alive.
He was just an honest bloke who worked for a big firm and who made the mistake of noticing something in a long string of numbers.
He took his discovery to his boss and within a very short space of time he was bundled into a van on his way home from work and never seen in one piece again.
His boss disappeared but showed up in a country which does not have an extradition treaty with anybody to speak of but there was no way this bloke was the brains of whatever it was that got Victor sliced and diced.”

Excerpt From: Terry R Barca. “The Long Weekend.” iBooks.

Book Review of The Long Weekend


Sam and Scarlett found each other later in life; no teenage romance between these pages.

They each had a career before they met and now there are compromises to be made, but that’s okay.

It’s a little over a year since they were married and life has been hectic so a little ‘together time’ is called for. Where better than Melbourne’s best old hotel, the elegant Hotel Windsor?


Four days of dining, walking and lying in each other’s arms. At least that was the plan. “Tell God your plans and watch him laugh.”

Sam has been trying to disengage from his old life, but a police detective and a dead body lying near Melbourne’s legendary coffee bar, Pellegrini’s, have other ideas.

Pellegrinis Cafe

It’s not all bad news for Sam and Scarlett. There will be tender moments interspersed with fisticuffs and investigation.

This weekend marks a critical time in their relationship. An exciting life is threatening to get between them. Scarlett’s family empire requires her constant attention and Sam is doing his best to help her.

How did they meet and what did Sam have to do to woo her? She grew up with great wealth and Sam had fought his way to the top of his profession. In recent times, his writing had eclipsed his fame as an investigator. Sam thinks that these things are behind him, but fate has a way of catching up with people and Sam is in for a surprise or two.

The Long Weekend is a novella; the perfect length for our modern times.

There will be adventures to come for our indomitable couple, but in the meantime you can read about their weekend together and the forces that conspire to unsettle their solitude.  


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